1154.Ages in python
This is the solution of the problem in python: Sum=0 count=0 while(1): X=int(input()) if(0>X): break else: ...
This is the solution of the problem in python: Sum=0 count=0 while(1): X=int(input()) if(0>X): break else: ...
This is the solution of the problem in python: Sum=0 count=0 while(1): X=int(input()) if(0>X): break else: ...
This is the solution of the problem in python: Sum=0 count=0 while(1): X=int(input()) if(0>X): break else: ...
This is the solution of the problem in python: N=int(input()) a=0 b=1 print(a,end=" ") print(b,end=" ") count=2 while...
This is the solution of the problem in python: X=int(input()) while(1): Z=int(input()) if(Z>X): break Sum=X Coun...
This is the solution of the problem in python: lista=input().split(" ") count=len(lista) A=int(lista[0]) for i in range(1,count...
This is the solution of this problem in python: while True: x=int(input()) if(x==0): break else: for i in ran...
This is the solution of this problem in python: X,Y=input().split() X=int(X) Y=int(Y) count=0 for i in range(1,Y+1): print(i,end=...